To be pro-active and provide cost effective solutions/service to the client. In doing so ensure that there is where possible added value and that the clients wishes are fulfilled. We are happy to share the MICS ltd company skill set when at times we may initially see no financial gain.
E&I Professional Services to the Petro/Chemical industry.
MICS specialise in supplying a specific E&I skill set to clients, so enhancing their consultancy experience and in doing so offer cost effective solutions with added value.
A = Alpha N = November
B = Bravo O = Oscar
C = Charlie P = Papa
D = Delta Q = Quebec
E = Echo R = Romeo
F = Foxtrot S = Sierra
G = Golf T= Tango
H = Hotel U = Uniform
I = India V = Victor
J = Juliett W = Whiskey
K = Kilo X = X-ray
L = Lima Y = Yankee
M = Mike Z = Zulu
Associative Support
The company are dedicated to finding the right solutions for the needs of your business and would welcome Associative Agreements so that both parties can work with a mutual agreed memorandum of understanding .
Imperial War museum Duxford July 2018
Flying as Observer in a
" Boy Hood Dream & Best Thrill Ever"
Compliance Services
We offer support to the Commercial and Rented Property sector for Fire Assessment, Fire Management Auditing and Compliance Gap Analysis
Welcome to Our Website
We are a specialist consultancy company offering a wide range of services to the manufacturing, commercial and property sectors. Our aim is to simply offer clients professional technical support solutions that will allow the client to focus on other improtant tasks.
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